Security at the Casino begins with surveillance from the floor up. Casino employees keep an eye on the patrons and games. Dealers are trained to spot cheating, but they also watch other patrons for any unusual behaviors. Pit bosses and table managers watch over the table games, keeping an eye on betting patterns and suspicious behavior. Each employee in the casino has someone higher up who keeps track of them. Casinos use sophisticated surveillance systems to protect patrons and themselves.
In a casino, there are several terms that can appear confusing. For example, the word “running cold” is used when a player has a losing streak. Another term used is “cold game.” A good idea is to sign up for a rewards club so that you can accumulate comps as you play. These comps can be converted into cash or other tangible rewards. The French term for the dealer at the table is croupier, though this word is rarely used in the US.
A typical casino has blackjack, craps, roulette, video poker, and slot machines, although some major casinos have special games and exclusive slots. Many casinos work with multiple software providers, which can affect the rules of the games, payouts, odds, and more. If you’re nervous about playing table games, you’ll probably want to stick to video poker. Whether you like the look of the roulette wheel or not, you’re sure to find something you enjoy.