Poker is a card game that involves betting. It is often played with a fixed amount of money (chips) and involves luck, but it also has quite a bit of skill and psychology.
The game is played from a standard deck of 52 cards (with some variant games adding jokers). The rank of the cards is Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10, with an additional ranking system for the suits. The highest ranked hand wins the pot (all bets made during that round). If no player has a high enough ranked hand when the hands are revealed, then all players win the same amount of money (the “pot”).
At the start of each betting phase, the player to the dealer’s left puts down a small bet (typically the value of one chip) into the pot before the cards are dealt. This is called the “First blind”. Other players may put down a bet of their own, but only if they think that it has positive expected value or if they want to try and bluff the other players.
You need to pay attention to the other players at the table and learn their tells (eye movements, idiosyncrasies, betting behavior etc). The key to winning poker is to be able to weight your chances of making a good hand against those of other players – and make informed decisions about whether you should call or raise. This requires a combination of math, probability, and psychology.